Some projects we’ve worked on:

Insurance Claims Analysis

Sector: Insurance

Description: Wrangling of tabular and unstructured data from multiple sources to train AI classifiers. Allowed automated processing of Home and Auto insurance claims.

Tags: NLP, Unstructured Data, Data Science

Biotech Knowledge Management

Sector: Pharmaceuticals

Descriptions: Internal initiative by a major pharmaceutical company to help its R&D teams innivate faster. It combined generative AI, knowledge management and connecting multiple data sources, both internal and external.

Tags: Generative AI, Data Management

Simulation Based Training

Sector: Defence and Security

Description: Statistical analysis, machine learning and advanced modeling to evaluate the performance of training conducted in virtual environments.

Tags: Statistical Analysis, Machine Learning, Simulation, Modeling

Corporate Dashboard

Sector: Telecommunications

Description: Design and delivery of a corporate dashboard displaying sales adn profits by business lines for a telco’s board meetings.

Tags: Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, ETL

Banking Data Warehouse

Sector: Financial Services

Description: Complete redesign of a major data warehouse infrastructure for a large bank.

Tags: Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, Data Management, Security

Geospatial Modeling and Simulation

Sector: Geographic Information Systems

Description: Automatic generation of dynamic synthetic environments by combining geospatial data (satelite images, drone footage, terrain mapping, etc.) with modeling tools.

Tags: GIS, Machine Learning

Social Media 'Monitoring and Analysis

Sector: Government

Description: Ingesting huge amounts of data, performing real-time analysis on the data flows and presenting the results as dynamic dashboards.

Tags: Data Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Clustering, Network Analysis

Advanced Customer Segmentation

Sector: Retail

Description: RFM Analysis (Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value) for a retailer with hundreds of locations in North America to enable personalized marketing offerings.

Tags: Data Engineering, Natural Language Processing, Clustering, Network Analysis

AI Roadmap

Sector: Manufacturing

Description: Create a roadmap for future products integrating AI

Tags: AI Strategy

Loyalty Program

Sector: Hospitality

Description: Identify loyalty program factors most likely to move a member to a higher value category.

Tags: Machine Learning, Regression Analysis